Sunday, April 18, 2010

Surviving is just not enough

Greetings to all!! I pray the day is treating you well. It has never been more prevalent than now that we are in times of struggle and turmoil. So many families are working hard just to survive. Survival-simply having enough money to pay the bills, provide shelter, food, clothing and care for the basic necessities for their families. SURVIVING, only surviving. If it isn't by now, it should be obvious that surviving is just not enough! Simply getting by or being "comfortable" has proven to be risky bet for a families well being and financial future. Again, surviving is just not enough. So what is a person to do? What is a man, woman to do in order to provide more, earn more, do more for themselves and their family? Well, I am here to tell you that answer is worth a million dollars-but you can have it for free. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Well, I don't consider myself to be insane and hopefully you don't either, but unless you are willing to change, get ready for your straight jacket!! Your "survival" will not be enough. Find a way to tap into your unused resources. Find a way to seize your moment so your survival is more than surviving, it is living abundantly. An abundance that allows you to live the life you know in your heart you are meant to live. Don't survive-LIVE. Love you all!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. I feel as if I am at confessional (although I am not Catholic) and I am asking the Father to please forgive me for my sins, it has been a long time since my last confession. Well, this isn't church and I am no Priest. I do however view these blogs as my confession, a way to express what is on my heart and hopefully in the process help someone else face their fears, face their demons, face themselves. The topic for today-Fraud. I don't mean the type of fraud that first comes to mind when that word is mentioned-theft, loss of identity, a crime against someone. Oh wait-yes I do! I am referring to the fraud we commit everyday when we pretend to be someone we are not. The crime we commit against ourselves or those around us when we don't practice the words we preach. Are you a fraud? Let's be honest here, what do you say or tell others to do that you are not willing to follow or do yourself? Your "fraud" can be a multitude of things. It can be from the words you speak, the way you live, the way you dress or who you chose to associate with. Fraud in this instance is simply living a lie but believing it is true or failing to face the fact that you aren't what you seem. All of us have at one point or another been guilty of this. We pretend to make more money than we do by living a life above our means so we seem better than we are really are. We pretend our family life is great and loving when in reality we are cheating on our spouse or beating our children. We pretend that we live a life of virtue and quote the bible and give thanks to GOD when all the while we watch porn, curse, drink and steal. What is your fraud? The great thing here is if you simply admit to yourself that you are not what you pretend to be, then you can honestly work on becoming the person you want to be. Living in the darkness only leads to more stress, anxiety, fear and failure. Step into the light my child and uncover the person you really are and begin to become the person you want to be. Life is for the living, but if your life is a fraud, then you are already dead. Love you all!!!