Sunday, July 25, 2010

82 Days

Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. So today was a milestone in my life and in the life of my son. I must say, he is his mommas baby and always will be but I am beginning to see my little boy become a big boy. You know those moments when you recognize your child is changing and becoming their own person. When they no longer depend on you for the things they once did. Or just those moments when you are watching them without being seen and their behavior and mannerism is different. So what happened you ask? Well, my son absolutely adores his Dad but when they spend time together, it is usually all of us or at least on "our" territory. Today was the beginning to the end of that dependency on home base. He made his mind up with a snap of finger that he was going out of town with Daddy, without Mommy. I couldn't believe it!! Is this the same kid?? I was so happy and so proud of him! You have to understand, my child is a creature of habit. He takes baby steps when deciding who will be a part of his world, even with family. My family that babysits him for me or plays with him, he loves and adores but it has to be on his turf. Now I see my baby boy is feeling secure and confident and he is ready to step outside of his comfort zone. My pride that day did not come close to that of his Father. He, of course, was ecstatic!! It is an amazing feeling as a parent to witness the growth of your children. To see those moments when as infants things start to click, you know, when they get it. To see how they change from toddlers to little kids then to big kids, teenagers, young adults and finally adults. I understand more and more the feelings my parents must have felt and hopefully still feel as they see me and my siblings continue to grow as individuals. It is truly a blessing and one that should be cherished. I have been challenging myself to grow over these 100 days and who knew my son would rise to the challenge and grow too. What a feeling!!! Love you all!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

83 Days

Greetings to all!! I pray the day is treating you well. So the countdown continues. The challenge I presented was to do something over the next 100 days that would impact and change your life (for the better) forever. Every year as my birthday approaches (August 15th in case you want to send gifts), I look at the year between my last birthday and current birthday to see what ways my life has changed. In between turning 29 and 30, I became a Mother. I must say...that is a life changing challenge that has turned my life inside out and I wouldn't have it any other way!! In between birthdays I lost my Grandmother, lost a job, my parents divorced, I found love, I experienced a new career, I gained a friend, the list could continue but the big picture is those experiences have all changed the course of my life. I would not be where I am today without experiencing those things. Many were out of my control but I accepted the challenge before me and learned from it and became a stronger person. My 100 day challenge continues and I can not wait until the end result. I will be honest, consistency is a .....!! It takes a lot of effort to consistently work outside of your norm, step out of your comfort zone and bring yourself to a place of true worth and value. Everyday I fall, but you know what, I get back up. That alone is a challenge within itself. Stay on course my friends. If you haven't started, begin now. DO SOMETHING and create your life. Remember YOU live life, life doesn't live you. Love you all!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

91 days

Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. So here we are moving forward in our 100 day challenge. What I am learning through this process is that the challenge is not only with what you are going to do over the next 100 days to change your life but the challenges we deal with everyday. As you can tell from my postings this week, my challenges have been daily verses the challenges I am giving myself (i.e. reading everyday, exercising, etc.). It seems to be that whenever you place yourself in a position to improve your current state of being, life begins to throw curve balls to you that want to knock you off your game. There are several ways to look at those challenges and I see them as this......over the course of the next now 90 days I will experience different ups and downs. I will view those experiences as ways to make my life better and those experiences/challenges are happening as part of my 100 day challenge. This is going to be great!!! We should welcome the hard times, the disappointments, the challenges because they make us into the people we are meant to be. After all, that was the point of the 100 day challenge in the first place-to be a better, stronger person in the end. Love you all!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

97 Days

Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. So here we are day 4 of 100. The weekend always seems to be a harder time to stay committed to what you intend to do. Why is that? Probably because we stop thinking on the weekends. I mean, my brain wants a break time to time. What I have discovered however is that you can't take a break from your goals and dreams. A little break can turn into a big break that can turn into a break over a lifetime. I challenge you today to find something to commit to and guess what-COMMIT!!! I am so excited about those of you who are deciding to take the challenge and change their life over the next 100 days (97 now). Of course if you just started reading this, your 100 days can start now. We can do it, together we can. I am reading, blogging, working with my son on his lessons, etc.... All the things I am supposed to do and committed to doing. Share your success with me because I can't wait to share my success with you. Love you all!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

98 Days

Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. So it is day 3 of the 100 Day Challenge. What did you do today? Me? Well lets see, work was a BARREL of fun!! No really, work was work-love my job-don't love crazy people. What happened to old fashion values of going to work, doing your job, being respectful and not losing your mind? Part of my responsibility is hiring, training and well--firing. Today I went to an office with the intention to train someone that was on the "list"--you know the "list". I wanted to evaluate her myself before pulling the trigger. What I discovered was she was overwhelmed and not able to tackle the position she was in. I gave her an out and she resigned. How does this play into my 100 day challenge? Since I am in the position to drastically affect someones life, their livelihood, my 100 day challenge can change the course of someones life and their next 100 days. The decision I make to give them an opportunity to succeed can mean many things for them in the long run. My decision to hire or not hire someone has the same effect. I have given some people their first real job-a career. I have had people tell me "you have no idea what this means for me to get this job". On the other hand I have watched the tears fall and listen to the whimpers as I let someone go and they ask me "What am I suppose to do now??". There are many things that will happen over the next 100 days that will change your life forever-many of those will be unplanned and unexpected. There are also the things that will happen over the next 100 days that are in your control and you can plan to change your life forever. Me?? Over the next 100 days I will read 6 personal growth books. YES 6!!!! Hold me to it. What do I expect? I expect to become a better person personally and professionally. I expect to equip my mind with knowledge that will give me the strength I need to step outside of my comfort zone so I can achieve my goals and dreams. I will be better at dealing with different situations I face and work and the 300+ people I manage in one way or another. I expect to become a better Mother-knowledge is POWER-a stronger individual and a motivator of many. Not bad for 100 days work!! So what are your waiting for? Don't let that day come and you look back and say-I should have......Love you all!!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

99 Days

Greetings to all!! I pray the day is treating you well. So 99 Days to go!!!! I wrote out my goals and things I want to accomplish. I am excited for all of you that are taking on the 100 Day challenge. This is day 2-so what did you do differently today? Understand this challenge is a HUGE one and change happens gradually. So what was my day today.....I learned I can handle more than I thought I could. It is when challenges are given to you that you realize your resilience and determination. Many things can happen in 100 Days. Think of it this way.....over the next 100, well now 99 days, you could meet your future spouse, you could become with child, you could learn a language, you could lose weight, you could change jobs, you could experience great success, you could help someone in need, you could do so, so, so many things over the next 99 days that could change the course of your life-your future. Don't live every day status quo. Take the challenge and make a change. 99 Days to Go!!! Love you all!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

100 Days

Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. I have a challenge...the 100Day Challenge. So this is the beginning of 100 Days-GOD willing I live to see them all through!! So many things can happen in a day, in 100 days. I challenge each of you to live the next 100 days...LIVE the next 100 days as if the next one is not promised for it's not!! What will you have in the end? Only time will tell-but I can't wait to find out!!

So this was Day 1-What did I experience today?? Well at my job I was given a new opportunity, a chance to grow and prove myself to be the valuable person I know I am. This opportunity will hopefully serve me well professionally and financially!! I also learned something very disturbing about myself-as a parent, I actually take the path of least resistance. As a single mother, coming home from a demanding day, cooking dinner, getting ready for tomorrow, I find it easier to let the little one watch TV and occupy himself instead of me taking time to sit with him and read and work on his writing, spelling, etc. It also doesn't help that he resist any instruction I give!! An over-whelming feeling came over me and I knew I had no-one to blame but myself. It is my duty-responsibility-obligation as his Mother to MAKE time so I can help my child learn and grow and become all GOD intends for him to be. That overwhelming feeling of guilt that all parents feel-Mothers especially-is enough to make you change your entire life!! So now-he will earn minute for minute-want to watch TV-MUST read...want to play the Wii-MUST read!! The evening wasn't so is just Day 1, only 99 more to go!!

What was your Day 1?? Take the challenge, not only what I will do for my son, but what I will do for me. Make a list of goals that you could accomplish in 100 Days. Start there and then map out your course of action !! You can do it!! Together we will!! Love you all!!