Thursday, December 9, 2010


Greetings to all!! I pray the day is treating you well. It has been several days and several hours since my last blog post. Followers please forgive me! I have missed you and I hope you have missed me. So my question for the day......Greatness....what is greatness? The measure of a man's success is in the eye of the beholder just as beauty. What determines greatness and those who "are" great is beyond my understanding. There are the obvious choices, great leaders before, during and after our lifetime. But...greatness is in many areas of ones life and striving to be great and rising to the challenge is what makes man great. It is an absolute sin to live life on this earth and not achieve your full potential. It is not GOD'S plan for life to be mediocre but for life to be great giving HIM the praise for allowing it to happen. What is greatness? Is it achieving fame and fortune? Is it raising happy, healthy, productive children? Is it living out your dream? Is it being a person of purpose, strength, desire and will? Is it wealth? Is it unselfishness? We each measure ourselves and honestly we measure those around us. We look at others and assess who they are, what they have achieved, what their family is like, their strengths and weaknesses. We look at them and look at ourselves. Well I am here to tell you my friend......greatness for me is living up to be the person that deep in my soul I know I am meant to be. It is living up to the expectations I have set for myself and living up to the person those who have inspired me want me to be. Greatness can be many things. It is not however accepting status quo...your lot in is the way it is. It is not being less than, being with a person who is less than, raising children who are less than, accepting all that is less than. Greatness was, is and will forever be what GOD intended for me!! Be great my dear friends. Love you all!!!