Sunday, December 20, 2009
A Reason
Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. I had a very insightful conversation today with my nephew. We were discussing the meaning of life or our meaning of life if you would. As each of us move along each day to follow whatever path we have laid before us, there is usually a motivating factor, a "reason" if you would, that keeps us focused or pushes us forward. So, what is your reason? What is the reason you make the sacrifices each day you do? What is the reason you lay your life on the line? What is the reason you don't quit when everything inside of you is telling you to? Your reason could be many things. Perhaps it is your children. That is the first answer I get whenever I ask someone what motivates them. Maybe it is money. I mean all of us have some financial gain we strive for or material thing we wish to possess. It could be your pride. Simply wanting to prove others wrong or even prove yourself right. Is it your parents, to change your family history, to be an example for someone else to follow. Whatever the "reason" is, I have come to the conclusion that you must have one. Anything, something, a reason to make you continue to push, strive, work, sacrifice, achieve, deliver and do. I pray everyday for my reason to remain clear to me and I will share it with you.....Dear Lord, Give to me a clear vision that I might know where to stand and what to stand for. May my reason be in front of me daily and may I never lose sight of what is truly important for me in this life. I hope you all find your own and you live life to the fullest, always with a reason to move forward. Love you all!!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. A couple of months ago our house was robbed! Can you believe it?? It is so violating to know someone was in your home, looking through your things, taking what belongs to you. If anyone has ever been in this situation, then you understand how that feels. The crazy thing about it all is someone made the choice to do wrong towards you and now you must make the choice of how to respond. After walking in and seeing the damage that was done, my first reaction was anger!! Once I thought about it and looked at it from a different point of view, my feelings of anger changed to feelings of thankfulness. I was thankful that no one was home. I was thankful they didn't take more. I was thankful they did not destroy our home. Everyday we are faced with choices. The power of our choices can be at times too much to bear. Let's think about this. For one, the choice those thieves made to enter our home and take what did not belong to them, led to their arrest and now a record that will follow them forever. Choices-recently the choices of Tiger Woods have become front page news. His life, his image will never be the same. Choices-the choice to cheat, lie, steal, fight, drink-then drive, raise your hand, raise your voice, turn your back....they are all choices that will leave ever lasting effects. Be wise in what you do. Think before you act. Listen before you speak. Once an action has been done, you can not take it back. GOD knows we have all made choices that by HIS grace didn't ruin our lives. Be wise because the next time, you may not be so lucky. Love you all!!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
There has to be a way
Greetings to all!! I pray the day is treating you well. Do you ever ask yourself "Is this it?" "Is this all my life will amount to be?" Well let me tell you, THERE HAS TO BE A WAY!!!! There has to be a way for each of us to live the life we want to live. There has to be a way to for each of us to have satisfaction in what we do, where we live, to be satisfied (not settling) with the quality of life we have. It is true, our quality of life is determined completely by ourselves. How we respond to our individual situations plays a part in what our lives will be like. Although that is true, that doesn't mean that the feeling is not there. That feeling of incompleteness, lack, or unfulfillment. Well I am here to tell you.........THERE HAS TO BE A WAY!!! The WAY is our action. Our approach towards our life and what we will get out of it. I am finding my way, are you? I will not meet my Maker and look back on what could have been, but be thankful for what was!! May you find your way, for I will find mine!! Love you all!!!
How you doing??
Greetings to all!! I pray the day is treating you well. It has been tooooooooo long since my last post and I apologize to all my followers. From this day forward, I vow to blog EVERYDAY!!! I am so excited about everything and I have so much to share. First, I hope your turkey day gave you plenty to be thankful for. I know it did for me. I was able to meet with and hang out with so many friends that have been a part of my life for the majority of my life!!!! I have known some of these people since we were 5 years old! I am so thankful for the childhood I had and the people I shared it with. We spend much of our adult life searching for the perfect career, money, love, satisfaction of some kind. It is the little things that we have in our lives that truly amount to more than anything else ever could. I am grateful, thankful, blessed to have the friends I have and the family I love. What about you? What are the little things in your life that are really the big things that bring you joy? When was the last time you felt the comfort you did as a kid? Whatever the case may be, love-live and be grateful!!! Love you all!!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Welcome to the Future!!
Greetings to all!!!! I pray the day is treating you well. Here we are in 2009, almost 2010 and all I have to say is WELCOME TO THE FUTURE!!! I recently discovered Facebook. I am sure any of you reading this blog are very aware of what Facebook is, so I won't go into details. I have connected with people I haven't seen or talked to in years!! It is great to see pictures of their families, get updates on their lives and have a tool to connect to the masses all at once. But I must caution we move forward in the 21st century and we benefit from the convenience of email, Facebook, MySpace, and the Internet in general, don't forget about the human touch. It may be easier to send an email, but how thoughtful is it to send a hand-written letter? We may be more likely to send an update on FB, but let's remember to pick up the phone and call. I have encouraged you before to stop and smell the roses, well I encourage you (and myself) to stop and write a letter to someone you love and/or pick up the phone and call a friend. The sound of a voice or an unexpected piece of mail will really go a long way. Welcome to the Future, but don't completely let go of the past. Love you all!!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Mission Statement
Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. I believe as we continue on our journey in this life, that we should have a purpose, values and a mission. A mission that represents who we are, what we believe in and what we want to accomplish. I challenge each of you to develop a mission statement for your life. A statement that reflects the very essence of who you are and who you are continuing to become. I, Susan Porter, am a person of destiny. I walk each day with a joyous song in my heart and a grateful, humble attitude. I am a loving, caring, encouraging mother. I provide my son with security and love that teaches him how to be confident, secure and determined. My positive attitude and optimistic self are infectious to those around me. GOD has give me an understanding of myself and my purpose in this world and HE continues to open my eyes and clarify my vision for me. Because of that, I am able to lead others and relay my vision to them and help them to find their own. My personal life is filled with joy because I am able to see the silver lining in all things. I transfer that ability also to my son. My love life is rich and overflowing because of the healthy, satisfying relationship I have with the person GOD has chosen for me. He and I grow daily together. My business is strong, solid and consistently profitable because I attract people that are just like, if not better than me. I attract these people because I am the type of person I want to lead and the type of Leader I want to follow. Life is full of things that make us grow and I welcome every opportunity for growth. Whatever your mission statement is, make it one that you believe in and read it to yourself everyday. You are whoever you want to be. Love you all!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
It's Your Story
Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. I have decided to begin writing my memoirs. Yes, even those of us that walk around with the mortals have a story to tell. What is your story? My inspiration for this sure to be painstaking journey began some time ago. I have SEVERAL unfinished stories that I have been writing. I recently read several articles about the journeys different people have had and the stories of how their life continues to unfold. What do you think your story will be? I mean, if you look back over your life, what has each decade brought to you? Your childhood, teens, twenties, thirties, etc....? I will be 36 next month (I know it has to believe, I don't look a day over 25) and at each birthday, I reflect over what that year brought to me. I have found love, lost love, lost loved ones, given new loved ones, found myself, lost get the picture. At the end of the day, what will your story be? It is okay to reinvent yourself, you know. As we grow older we should be reinventing or rather discovering a new person. Someone who has evolved and continues to do so with a greater purpose in mind along the way. I cherish the times I had in my early youth (and thank GOD I am here to talk about it), but I am so excited about what the rest of my life will bring. When it is all said and done, did you live your life or did life live you? If you have become settled in the day to day beat, shake it up a bit. Find out what moves you and make it happen! Who said we had to follow the rules of others? I know what things I want to experience in my life and the only thing holding me back would be me. And thank the LORD I don't believe in setting limits!!! Go for what you want and create the story of your life. I've told you this once before and I will say it again.....You only have one life to live, so make it one worth living. Love you all!!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Who is the LEADER within YOU?
Greetings to all!!!! I pray the day is treating you well. It has been some time since my last post, but the time has come to share my knowledge with you all :). As you know if you follow my blog or if know me personally, I use this resource as a way to help others grow and become the person GOD has intended for them to be. I work everyday to discover who that person is for me and I believe it is a journey we will take throughout our life. As you go along each day, be it a work, home, with family or friends there is a point at some time that requires someone to be a leader. The LEADER at work, not the manager, but the LEADER-the one who is able to motivate and move people towards a bigger vision. The LEADER at home-who has the ability to persuade, move, motivate the family. The friend who always is the one everyone turns to, talks to and follows. When are you a LEADER? Do you see that person in yourself? Find that person inside of you and allow yourself the opportunity to put your GOD given talents to use. We are all born LEADERS, but that LEADER is an infant and needs to grow through trial and error, stepping outside your comfort zone, self improvement, and only YOU can control that. Don't keep your LEADER locked inside, but let him/her out for the entire world to see. Love you all!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Don't be in such a hurry
Greetings to all!! I pray the day is treating you well. It has been a while since I have posted anything and thank you to one of my followers for bringing it to my attention :). Here we are, almost at the end of April!!! Can you believe how quickly time is passing by? Well my words of wisdom are simple for you today.....Don't be in such a hurry!!! I am the world's best at rushing through the day. In fact, if I move at a normal pace, I feel like I am going sooooo sslloooww. I am realizing though that life is for living not rushing around like a runaway freight train. Children are the best example for us to see how quickly time can past and how valuable our time is. "Mommy, play with me" are words I hear everyday. I do my best to spend as much quality time as I can so if that means the dishes don't get washed until what!! Take some time today for yourself, your family, your friends. We all have jobs to do, but remember to stop and smell and the roses, after all, they don't last forever. Love you all!!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
So it shall be done...
Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. The weather outside is dreary, but my soul is shinning as bright as the sun. I must use this time as a moment of testament. The LORD is great and HE shall be praised. Last night and this morning were a bit stressful for me. Family challenges and professional let down led me to feelings of stress. I decided today that I would change my attitude and use this time to be productive. It seems that in an instance our FATHER GOD knew exactly what I needed. HE opened doors for me, sent people my way that I did not expect and opened the ears of others to be receptive to what I have to offer. HE even took it one step further and allowed me to hear the good news others had to share. I truly believe with all my heart that I am meant to lead a life of service to others and will receive the fruits from my labor. So I say THANK YOU FATHER JEHOVAH, GOD in Heaven. Thank you for never giving up on me even if I "try" to give up on myself. What about you?? HE has something great waiting for you as soon as you are ready. Some of you may have your own examples of how GOD has shinned a light on you when the world around seemed so dark. Share your joy, share your love. Make today the day it shall be done. Love you all!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Appreciate those you love
Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. Over the weekend my friend buried her brother. A family has lost a son-husband-father-brother-uncle-friend. They can't get him back but they can cherish their memories and the life they were able to live together. His life was a testament to the person he was and his relationship with GOD. Their sorrow will last for some time but their joy and happy memories of him will last a lifetime. May we be mindful of the life we lead. May we not let this moment go by without telling those we love just how much they mean to us. I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters, a wonderful mom and dad, and an amazing son. They will know and do know I love them. Tell someone you love the same. Love you all!!!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
It's just your life!!
Greetings to all!!! I hope the day is treating you well. I am so excited about LIFE! After all, we only have one life to live on this earth and it is too short to not make the most out of it. Can you believe it is already March? I mean, where did the first two months go? Well whether or not you have committed to the resolutions you set for yourself, it doesn't matter. I have not done all the things on my list, but I am moving forward. This month I signed up for swimming classes (no, I can't swim) and I am overcoming a major fear I have!! It feels so good to tackle the little things. I am really excited about the next year of my life. This is a time that I am completely focused and sold out on building my future and the future of my family. I maintain my dedication, desire, will, and drive to do what I need to do so I am not forced to do something I don't want to do!! What are you doing in your life? Has it become mundane, routine, and uneventful? Are you busy getting by or busy getting ahead? These are questions you should constantly ask yourself. After all, it's just your life!!! I am fired up about mine and the growth I will experience over the next year because I CHOOSE to step outside of my comfort zone. It is my life, and I am going to make it the best life ever!!! What about you? Love you all!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Internal Awareness
Greetings to all!!! I pray this day is treating you well. I just finished reading a book that I highly recommend to everyone. It is book that talks about leadership and working with others, but in this book it also reveals how we are with our families (spouse, children, siblings). We are often what is called "in the box" towards other people because they are in the box toward us. Let me give you an example, your spouse never picks up around the house. So in turn, you always have something to say about it. "Why don't you ever help?" or something like that. Well that action causes both to be closed off to the other. Think about things at work or at home. The actions of someone causes you to react a certain way and your actions causes them to react as well. It is a cycle that continues until one person finally gets OUT of the box. I recommend Leadership and Self Deception, getting out of the box by The Arbinger Institute. I guarantee you, it is a book that will change your life. Happy reading and love you all!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Love baby love
Greetings to all!!!! Hope the day is finding you all well. So tomorrow is Valentine's Day, el dia de amor, Dia de San Valentin, love is in the air. I am sure many of you have that someone special that you will spend the day with. Many of you will receive flowers, candy, balloons, maybe DIAMONDS. How special right!?!? Isn't it nice to be in love? What a beautiful thing!! Now some of us are in love with ourselves :). We are not in a committed relationship with someone, so this upcoming day could be a bit lonely. Well don't let it be!! Be in love with yourself. Be in love with your life. Be in love with love. I am discovering that by focusing my energy on making me a better Susan, I will be a better person for someone else to love. Whomever your special someone is (husband/wife, girlfriend/boyfriend, child, parent, etc) let them know how much they mean to you and let yourself know how much you mean to you. Happy Valentine's Day and love you all!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Believe in yourself
Greetings to all!!!! Hope your day is going well. I know it has been a while since I have sent my words of wisdom to you, so it is now time to share. I have begun the journey of physical improvement (you know-exercising). So many of my friends and co-workers have been talking about their weight and body image. Where is it written that we should not be happy with ourselves? Admit it, there is something about yourself that you would like to change. Maybe it is your hips, legs, breast, hair, eyes, feet, something! Well let me tell you...YOU are the beautiful person GOD intended for you to be. That means you should love yourself for all of your perfections and imperfections. It is okay to change something you are not satisfied with, but it is not okay to think that making that change will cause you to love yourself more. You should love yourself regardless and allow the changes to be ones that only enhance what you already have. I know I am fabulous :), but after 10-15lbs lighter, I will be FIERCE!!! Love you all!!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
So, what do you think?
Greetings to all!!! Hope this new year has treated you well. I know some of you have been anxiously waiting for my blog, so I must not disappoint :)! At the beginning of the year, so many people were sending out their two cents about resolutions, beginning new, facing challenges. I knew you would be inundated with so much info I decided to give it a little time. Today is a wonderful day since it was the day of the inauguration of our 44th President Barack Obama. It was truly a beautiful day. For those of you in D.C., I hope you had fun. For everyone else, I hope you enjoyed the day the best way you saw fit. Okay, so PRESIDENT Obama now has a job to do and so do we. It is OUR time to build our future. It is OUR time to change our community. It is OUR time to help someone in need. It is OUR time to build someone up. It is OUR time to take responsibility for our lives, our community, our state, our country, our world. President Obama has a big job to do and so do we. So, what do you think? Are you going to sit back and let life happen OR are you going to MAKE LIFE HAPPEN? Let me know. Love you all!!
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