Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Believe in yourself

Greetings to all!!!! Hope your day is going well. I know it has been a while since I have sent my words of wisdom to you, so it is now time to share. I have begun the journey of physical improvement (you know-exercising). So many of my friends and co-workers have been talking about their weight and body image. Where is it written that we should not be happy with ourselves? Admit it, there is something about yourself that you would like to change. Maybe it is your hips, legs, breast, hair, eyes, feet, something! Well let me tell you...YOU are the beautiful person GOD intended for you to be. That means you should love yourself for all of your perfections and imperfections. It is okay to change something you are not satisfied with, but it is not okay to think that making that change will cause you to love yourself more. You should love yourself regardless and allow the changes to be ones that only enhance what you already have. I know I am fabulous :), but after 10-15lbs lighter, I will be FIERCE!!! Love you all!!!!

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