Sunday, January 3, 2010

Get Over Yourself!!

Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself the question.....Isn't it amazing how much baggage we pick up throughout our lives? It seems to start in childhood and continues on as we become adults. We go through different things, events and pack more "stuff" in the luggage our existence. Some baggage is heavier than others. It is a weight that we think would break our backs if we stop for one minute....that load that we carry in our minds and in our hearts. The funny thing is however, as we get older, the extra "stuff" we begin to carry sometimes is of our own creation. Let's get real here. We all have issues, things that happened in our past that have had an impact on the person we are today. We feel that our lives have been shaped by these events whatever they may be. The reality of it all is that each of us do have some form of baggage or another. The way we deal with that baggage is the difference. What a waste of time it is to continue to blame someone for what you are not or what you don't have. It is a waste of time to feel as if someone owes you something because of events that took place when you were younger. The baggage most adults carry can be traced back to their childhood and their parents. We feel entitled to something because we weren't told we were loved, or didn't have a birthday party. Maybe our parents got divorced or GOD forbid some of the other things that are far worse that children deal with everyday. Regardless of the situation you are who you are because of who you allowed yourself to be. If you don't like something, change it!! If you don't like someone, move on!! Stop the blame game and stop trying to punish someone else for what YOU think they did or what YOU feel they owe you. Time heals all wounds if you let it. Time also stretches the truth to fit our reality of what is even if it is not so. If we blame our parents for the baggage we carry in our lives because of our childhood, then what type of baggage will our kids blame us for?? My response, GET OVER YOURSELF!! Unpack the luggage of discontent, jealousy, abandonment issues, low self esteem and unworthiness. Let it go and stop the blame game. At some point in your life, you have to accept the past for what it was and accept the fact that it is now the PAST. Move forward into your future with a lot less baggage and I guarantee you life will seem much lighter. Love you all!!


Anonymous said...

Wow what a great true! Good job at being real and showing others how to do the same. You are an awesome person and I knew it all along honestly!!! Thank you for putting the thoughts i too have been having into words. Not my best thing "words".

Dawn said...

You're doing a great job with your daily posting. I read them daily....I really do!!!