Thursday, July 12, 2012

Mission Statement

Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. If there is one constant factor in life, that constant factor is CHANGE. I am learning to be a camilion and not necessarily give in and adapt to my surroundings but understand and accept that in life you must learn to adapt. Those adaptations can be driven by financial changes....more money or less, restructuring at work....promotion or boss, family changes.....addition to the family or loss of a loved one. Whatever the circumstance we have to "adapt" in order to survive or we become a victim of our circumstance. My "adaptation" or better yet evolution has lead me to where I am today. I plan to share my experiences with you and the experiences of others to hopefully open your eyes, ears and heart so you may see, hear and feel something new and true leading to a better you. I welcome your feedback....the good, the bad, and the ugly. Without it I can't grow and neither can you. During the course of this journey you will be introduced to someone dear to me as she brings a very candid, honest conversation to you via her blog We will also welcome you into our world via our on-line commentary (coming soon) and ask that you welcome us in yours. Blogging has been therapeutic for me and thank you for allowing me to share. As we continue on this journey together I look forward to all that is coming our way. Thank you and love you all!!!

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