Monday, November 4, 2013


Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. Gratitude-What are you grateful for? Life is full of distractions, stress, obstacles, roadblocks and disappointments. It is a part of life. The bigger picture though is our response to those things. We have heard over and over it is our choice-we CHOOSE how we respond. Well in the moment, when you are experiencing that disappointment-it is hard to CHOOSE to be positive. What isn't hard though is to be grateful. We all have something to be thankful for. It's about making time/taking time to acknowledge it. What are you grateful for? STOP what you are doing right now and verbalize 3 things you are grateful for and SMILE while you say them. Your energy will shift....your mind will shift....writing this blog MY mind and energy has shifted. I am grateful for.... 1. My Life-I am thankful that I am LIVING and able to spend time with those I love every day. 2. My Drive-I am focused, motivated and determined to live the life I've dreamed of living. 3. YOU-Being a source of inspiration for others inspires me every day!! Without you my purpose would not be fulfilled. Years of feeding into others gave me a greater purpose in life. Every day be GRATEFUL!!! Give THANKS!!! SMILE!!! Find your mojo!!! Love you all!!

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