Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Internal Awareness

Greetings to all!!! I pray this day is treating you well. I just finished reading a book that I highly recommend to everyone. It is book that talks about leadership and working with others, but in this book it also reveals how we are with our families (spouse, children, siblings). We are often what is called "in the box" towards other people because they are in the box toward us. Let me give you an example, your spouse never picks up around the house. So in turn, you always have something to say about it. "Why don't you ever help?" or something like that. Well that action causes both to be closed off to the other. Think about things at work or at home. The actions of someone causes you to react a certain way and your actions causes them to react as well. It is a cycle that continues until one person finally gets OUT of the box. I recommend Leadership and Self Deception, getting out of the box by The Arbinger Institute. I guarantee you, it is a book that will change your life. Happy reading and love you all!!

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