Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mission Statement

Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. I believe as we continue on our journey in this life, that we should have a purpose, values and a mission. A mission that represents who we are, what we believe in and what we want to accomplish. I challenge each of you to develop a mission statement for your life. A statement that reflects the very essence of who you are and who you are continuing to become. I, Susan Porter, am a person of destiny. I walk each day with a joyous song in my heart and a grateful, humble attitude. I am a loving, caring, encouraging mother. I provide my son with security and love that teaches him how to be confident, secure and determined. My positive attitude and optimistic self are infectious to those around me. GOD has give me an understanding of myself and my purpose in this world and HE continues to open my eyes and clarify my vision for me. Because of that, I am able to lead others and relay my vision to them and help them to find their own. My personal life is filled with joy because I am able to see the silver lining in all things. I transfer that ability also to my son. My love life is rich and overflowing because of the healthy, satisfying relationship I have with the person GOD has chosen for me. He and I grow daily together. My business is strong, solid and consistently profitable because I attract people that are just like, if not better than me. I attract these people because I am the type of person I want to lead and the type of Leader I want to follow. Life is full of things that make us grow and I welcome every opportunity for growth. Whatever your mission statement is, make it one that you believe in and read it to yourself everyday. You are whoever you want to be. Love you all!!


sonya marie porter said...

great mission statement. i encourage you to keep forging ahead and seeking the face of God; for it is though Him that we get our direction and i know He has amazing things in store for you.

So much to say...can't say it all.... said...

Keep moving forward Susan>>>I Love the Mission Statement and you've inspired me to finish mine!


So much to say...can't say it all.... said...

Keep moving forward Susan>>>I Love the Mission Statement and you've inspired me to finish mine!
