Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stop Complaining Already!!!!

Hello my dear friends!! So as I complete this year....the Year of Susan, the one thing I am going to stop doing is complaining. Don't get me wrong, I am not a Negative Nancy by any means nor do I see the glass as half full. I do however sometimes feel the "weight" on my shoulders and some days it is more than a girl wants to bear. I mean let's be real here, how much can a sister take?!?! When you are the one that typically does it all, be it at home or at work, others begin to see you as that "go to" person for any and everything. As nice as it is to be needed, sometimes you want to just say STOP ALREADY!! So, why don't we? I can only look at myself here and maybe you can see yourself in my mirror. I have a take charge, get it done personality. It is who I am and part of me thrives on it. But the other part of me wishes people would do what they're supposed to do and not look to me as if it is MY problem. I do it to myself though. I really do. For one, I should say something when it all becomes too much but no...I take it on then bitch about it later. Well, no more....stop complaining already! If I don't want to do something then I should say so, otherwise quit the moaning and get the job done! That goes for me and it goes for you too!! (And I don't want to hear you complain about it). :) Love you all!!!

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