Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Do you really listen?

Greetings to all!!! Hope the day has treated you well. The question for today is "Do you really listen"? By that I mean do you really listen to your spouse, children, siblings, parents or friends? Do you really listen to your boss, business partner, coworkers, or employees? Do you really listen or do you hear only what you want to hear? When you are in a relationship you know is not going anywhere, do you listen to your heart or your head? However, the most important question of all is, do you really listen to yourself? We all have that inner voice that talks to us...a sixth sense you could say. You know, the one that tells to you to take a different route home. The one that tells you to double check the coffee pot. Even the one that tells you not to trust someone, although you are not sure why. As you go about your day, make sure you take the time to really listen. GOD speaks to us all the time. The only problem to that is, are we listening? My request to each of you is to ask GOD to speak to you, and please, please, please, ask him to open your ears, soul and heart so you can REALLY LISTEN. Love you all!!!!!

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