Friday, March 27, 2009

So it shall be done...

Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. The weather outside is dreary, but my soul is shinning as bright as the sun. I must use this time as a moment of testament. The LORD is great and HE shall be praised. Last night and this morning were a bit stressful for me. Family challenges and professional let down led me to feelings of stress. I decided today that I would change my attitude and use this time to be productive. It seems that in an instance our FATHER GOD knew exactly what I needed. HE opened doors for me, sent people my way that I did not expect and opened the ears of others to be receptive to what I have to offer. HE even took it one step further and allowed me to hear the good news others had to share. I truly believe with all my heart that I am meant to lead a life of service to others and will receive the fruits from my labor. So I say THANK YOU FATHER JEHOVAH, GOD in Heaven. Thank you for never giving up on me even if I "try" to give up on myself. What about you?? HE has something great waiting for you as soon as you are ready. Some of you may have your own examples of how GOD has shinned a light on you when the world around seemed so dark. Share your joy, share your love. Make today the day it shall be done. Love you all!!


Life More Abundantly said...

Hello, my name is Samuel Williams and I just wanted to drop u a line or two to tell u that I like your blogg. Keep up the good work and don't give up on your dreams. Be like Jacob and keep wrestling God bc if you don't give up He will grant u what you desire. Sometimes God just want us to see who we really are and the power that we really have! Take care and God bless!
Samuel Williams

Life More Abundantly said...

Hello, its been a while since i last said hello so i thought i would do so. I hope all is well with you. Looks like you havent been on here in a while. Take care and God bless