Thursday, April 23, 2009

Don't be in such a hurry

Greetings to all!! I pray the day is treating you well. It has been a while since I have posted anything and thank you to one of my followers for bringing it to my attention :). Here we are, almost at the end of April!!! Can you believe how quickly time is passing by? Well my words of wisdom are simple for you today.....Don't be in such a hurry!!! I am the world's best at rushing through the day. In fact, if I move at a normal pace, I feel like I am going sooooo sslloooww. I am realizing though that life is for living not rushing around like a runaway freight train. Children are the best example for us to see how quickly time can past and how valuable our time is. "Mommy, play with me" are words I hear everyday. I do my best to spend as much quality time as I can so if that means the dishes don't get washed until what!! Take some time today for yourself, your family, your friends. We all have jobs to do, but remember to stop and smell and the roses, after all, they don't last forever. Love you all!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Susan,

Sonya here...great blog. We need to slow down and smell the roses because life is short and time is so precious. I to feel that if I am not moving at the pace of a runaway freight train then I am moving in slow motion...It is hard to change our behavior, but it is a matter of putting it in perspective. Good advice...your sister