Friday, July 16, 2010

91 days

Greetings to all!!! I pray the day is treating you well. So here we are moving forward in our 100 day challenge. What I am learning through this process is that the challenge is not only with what you are going to do over the next 100 days to change your life but the challenges we deal with everyday. As you can tell from my postings this week, my challenges have been daily verses the challenges I am giving myself (i.e. reading everyday, exercising, etc.). It seems to be that whenever you place yourself in a position to improve your current state of being, life begins to throw curve balls to you that want to knock you off your game. There are several ways to look at those challenges and I see them as this......over the course of the next now 90 days I will experience different ups and downs. I will view those experiences as ways to make my life better and those experiences/challenges are happening as part of my 100 day challenge. This is going to be great!!! We should welcome the hard times, the disappointments, the challenges because they make us into the people we are meant to be. After all, that was the point of the 100 day challenge in the first place-to be a better, stronger person in the end. Love you all!!

1 comment:

suzi said...

I hear you about the curve balls! They are always coming, and I have to remember to relax and enjoy.